July 27, 2024


Complete Australian News World

A ring-like accretion structure in M87 that connects its black hole and jet

A ring-like accretion structure in M87 that connects its black hole and jet

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  • R.-SL, K. Asada, TPK, and KH initiated the project and coordinated the research. PH, MI, M.-TC, SM, K. Asada, PMK, Y.-DH, C.-CH, DK, PAR, TJN, NAP and other East Asian engineers and technicians made available the GLT for our observations. The work of K. Asada, TPK, R. -SL, IM-V. and JP and ER on VLBI scheduling, coordinating observations, and analyzing and calibrating data. K. Akiyama, K. Asada, KH, J.-Y. Kim, TPK, R.-SL, JP, FT, AL worked on image reconstruction and model fitting. K. Asada, JLG, KH, J.-Y. Kim, TPK, TK, AL, R.-SL, MN, JP, H.-YP, and FY worked on the scientific interpretation of the results. All authors approved the paper and contributed to writing the observational proposal, conducted observations, produced and/or applied software tools for analysis and interpretation, and contributed to the overall interpretation of the data.