March 4, 2025


Complete Australian News World

Decline of French: Quebec cites a “generational divide.”

Decline of French: Quebec cites a “generational divide.”

The majority of 18- to 34-year-olds in Quebec regularly use English to post messages on social networks, play video games, listen to podcasts or shop online. Most of them favor using English in work or businesses.

There is indeed a generation gap. Younger people are shifting more towards EnglishIn an interview, Minister Jean-François Roberge emphasizes the latest report from the Office Québécois de la Langue Française (OQLF) on the evolution of Quebec’s linguistic situation.

Submitted every five years, this document is based on data from Statistics Canada’s censuses or surveys.OQLF. As French language minister, Jean-Francois Roberge will present to the National Assembly on Wednesday.

Social networks, a scourge for the French?

We are becoming anglicized, we are becoming Americanized. This is what we as a government need to slow downMr. Roberge adds.