July 27, 2024


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English breakfast at school

English breakfast at school

At the suggestion of Lucie Juteau, director of the Pouillé school, an English breakfast brought together 6 students on Thursday 21 March.e and CM2 from schools (Noirs, Saint-Aignan, Ségi-Goufi) at the Collège Joseph-Paul-Boncourt in Saint-Aignan. “Through this program, the goal is to create a real moment of exchange and create initial connections between students who will one day see themselves together in college. It helps reduce the fear that kids sometimes feel at the thought of leaving school and going to college. Lucy explains.

“In advance, we learned together how to make English menus, and manipulatives were done using dinner tables to learn vocabulary.” Anne Mitoire, director of Noires Elementary School, explains.

As agreed, the college's school catering staff prepared the usual menu: mushrooms, beans, scrambled eggs, bacon and tea, welcomed by college principal Emeric Nadeau, while thanking the staff, service in English. . The schoolchildren then joined their 6-year-old classmates in the dining room.e already installed.

This first day allowed us to exchange ideas and explore the campus briefly. Other meetings are held at the end of the school year.

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