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How to Pass a Job Interview in English: Meeting, Conference at Mets

How to Pass a Job Interview in English: Meeting, Conference at Mets

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Source / Credits: https://fb.me/e/dfAgHuoYY

Meeting, conference

  • The Young Economic Room of the Mets

Bookings before September 28, 2021 at Reservation / Registration Place / Website: https://forms.office.com/r/hnnBgsSAzB.

Wall Street English France and the Mets’ Young Economic Chamber offer a workshop to prepare you for your interview in English. Su reservation. Returning to school is often synonymous with change. What could be better than taking on a new professional challenge? In partnership with the Wall Street English Mets, the Mets’ Young Economic Chamber is organizing a unique workshop in English to help you prepare for your job interview! With qualified trainers, the interview will not hold any secrets for you! Free and compulsory registration: https://forms.office.com/r/hnnBgsSAzB For any questions: [email protected] Are you ready?

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