July 26, 2024


Complete Australian News World

“I love a real man”

“I love a real man”

Jerry Seinfeld waxed nostalgic in a recent interview, saying he misses “hegemonic masculinity.”

In an interview with Barry Weiss on The Free Press podcast genuinelySeinfeld recalled growing up and wanting to become a “real man,” joking that he never “made it.”

“I really thought when I was in that era, again, that was it [John F. Kennedy]It was Muhammad Ali, it was Sean Connery, it was Howard Cosell, you can go there. He said: This is a real man.

Seinfeld said he grew up admiring these characters, but as a comedian, he didn’t become one because it was a “childish pursuit.”

He continued: “But I miss hegemonic masculinity. Yes, I’ve got the toxic thing. thank you thank you. However, I love a real man.

The topic arose after Weiss discussed watching Seinfeld on Netflix Not frozenset in the sixties.

“Just this period of like [the] Early 1960s… and obviously there were problems. [The] The civil rights movement hasn’t even started yet, like a zillion. But the thing that was there then, that I feel is not the case now is that it feels like one conversation. “Like a shared culture,” Weiss said.

A key element of that era was that there was “an agreed-upon hierarchy, which I think has completely evaporated in today’s moment,” Seinfeld said.

“I think that’s why people rely on the horn and drive the crazy way they do, because we don’t have any sense of hierarchy,” he added. “And as humans, we’re not really comfortable that way.”

Watch the Seinfeld interview in the video below.

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