October 26, 2024


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Study suggests that ‘brain water’ circulation may mean our brains use quantum arithmetic: ScienceAlert

Study suggests that ‘brain water’ circulation may mean our brains use quantum arithmetic: ScienceAlert

In the ongoing work to realize full potential Quantitative StatisticsScientists can try looking at our brains to see what’s possible: A new study suggests the brain actually has a lot in common with… quantum computer.

The results can teach us a lot about the functions of neurons as well as the basics of quantum mechanics. The research might explain, for example, why our brains can still outperform supercomputers at certain tasks, such as making decisions or learning new information.

As with much quantum computing research, the study investigates the idea of tangle Two separate particles in a related state

“We adapted an idea, developed for experiments to demonstrate the existence of quantum gravity, whereby known quantum systems take on, and which interact with an unknown system,” Physicist Christian Kerskens says: from University of Dublin.

“If known systems are entangled, then the unknown must also be a quantum system. It overcomes the difficulties of finding measuring devices for something we know nothing about.”

In other words, entanglement or a relationship between known systems can only occur if the intermediary system in the middle – the unknown system – operates on a quantum level as well. While the unknown system cannot be directly studied, its effects can be observed, As with quantum gravity.

For the purposes of this research, proton cycles in “brain water” (the fluid that builds up in the brain) operate as a known system, with custom MRI (MRIScans used to noninvasively measure proton activity. The spin of a particle, which determines its magnetic and electrical properties, is a quantum property.

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Through this technique, researchers were able to see similar signals Heart-pounding potentialThis is a type of electroencephalogram (EEG) signal. These signals cannot usually be detected by MRIand the thinking is that they appeared because the rotation of the nuclear proton in the brain was intertwined.

The team’s observations require verification by confirmation via future studies across multiple scientific fields, but the initial results appear promising for non-classical quantum events in the human brain when it is active.

“If entanglement is the only possible explanation here, it means that brain processes must interact with nuclear spins, resulting in entanglement between nuclear spins,” Kerskens says:.

“As a result, we can conclude that these brain functions must be quantum.”

Brain functions that illuminate the MRI readings have also been associated with short-term memory and conscious awareness, and this suggests that quantum processes—if this really is—play an important role in cognition and awareness – awarenessKerskens suggests.

What researchers need to do next is learn more about this little-known quantum system in the brain — and then we may fully understand how it works. quantum computer that we carry in our heads.

Our experiments were conducted only 50 meters from the lecture hall where Schrödinger presented his famous book thoughts about lifemay shed light on the mysteries of biology, and on consciousness that is so scientifically difficult to comprehend,” Kerskens says:.

The search was published in Physics Communication Journal.