July 27, 2024


Complete Australian News World

When English becomes the “working language” in Villers-Cotterêts

When English becomes the “working language” in Villers-Cotterêts

The recruitment process for the director and his team will take place in English, with the submission of a cover letter, a CV and a short presentation in this language.
Francois Nassimbeni/AFP

Decryption – The job description for the next director of the “Alliance for Language Technologies” has defenders of the French language jumping.

The French-speaking international city was barely open when English sought to intervene. The European Commission has created an organization entitled “Alliance for Language Technologies”, which will be established within the walls of the Château de Villers-Cotterets in the Aisne. Last week, it published an advertisement to recruit its prospective director. If “Everyday Language” Mentioned in French, The “Working Language” There will be… English. This has sparked an outcry among many defenders of the French language, who are preparing for legal action.

Our European partners have decided to equip themselves with a common infrastructure aimed at countering the dominance of Anglo-Saxon AI players in the language technology sector.Explains the General Delegation for the French Language and the Languages ​​of France (DGLFLF), a service attached to the Ministry of Culture headed by Paul de Sinitti. France proved…

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