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Arrangement for the English translation of the 2021 World Record Document

Arrangement for the English translation of the 2021 World Record Document

Issuance of documentsToday 21 April 202217H45

ProvidingAnd English translation Global registration document 2021

Organ today announces the release of the English translation of the Global Record for the Year 2021 filed with the Autorité des marchés Financiers on February 24, 2022 under the number D22-0058.

French and English versions of the 2021 Universal Registration Document can be found on the Company’s website (www.argan.fr) Investors Section / Regulated Information / AMF Contact.

Copies of the 2021 Universal Registration Document are also available free of charge at Organ Head Office 21, rue Beffroy – 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine.

This 2021 Global Record document specifically includes the Annual Financial Statement, the report of the Board of Supervisors for Corporate Governance, and the reports of statutory auditors and information on post-payment.

About Argan

ARGAN is the only French premium warehouse development & rental property listed on Euronext.
As of December 31, 2021, its portfolio was 3.3 million m², divided into about 100 warehouses located exclusively in France, valued at € 3.75 billion and earning € 162 million in annual rental revenue. ARGAN is listed in Part A of Euronext Paris (ISIN FR0010481960 – ARG) and is part of the CAC All-Share and IEIF SIIC France codes. The SIIC system was selected in Property Company 1Er July 2007.

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