July 27, 2024


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Can you learn English in a month?  We asked Yureko

Can you learn English in a month? We asked Yureko

Do you know Eurêkoi, this free public service that answers all your questions? From the more complicated to the more unusual, the librarians behind the service try to answer them As accurate as possible. We tested it and the results are amazing.

With powerful tools like Google or ChatGPT, all the answers to your questions can be found in no time. But do these answers always meet your expectations? Despite all the recent advances, no tool is yet able to understand all the nuances of the query and produce a clear and, above all, documented summary.

More accurate and reliable than an algorithm, Eurêkoi groups will answer all your questions, from the craziest to the most complex, for free within 72 hours, in fields as varied as science, history, economics or literature. how Thanks to a great team of experienced librarians. We challenged them and the result is amazing.

At Eurêkoi, there are no robots, but real librarians

Launched in 2006 as Bibliosésame, then renamed Eurêkoi in 2015, this public service is as amazing as it is practical. Every day, 600 librarians trained in documentary research answer the queries of Internet users by providing serial references and various resources (articles, books, audio and video content). Nothing scares them, not even the most technical. The only limitations are: They do not deal with specific questions of medicine or law. They are neither doctors nor lawyers.

Fast, efficient and completely personalized service // Source: Eurecoy

These document search experts don’t simply aggregate the first results provided by Google. They browse more specific sources such as paper journals, electronic databases (sometimes under subscription), or journal aggregators.

In addition, a deep knowledge of information portals, but also open archive sites that disseminate scientific articles, allows them to cross-reference the results of their research and further refine their bibliographic recommendations.

Within a maximum of 72 working hours, their response will be sent directly by email and include a brief response with documentary evidence deemed most relevant to the matter.

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Even Eureco Great advice in books and movies. Give the librarians examples of the content you want, and they’ll find gems for you. Unlike Google, they don’t limit themselves to the latest and most popular releases, but actually adapt to your tastes.

We tested Eurekoi for you: the results are clear

In order to fully understand the added value of such a service, we decided to test it with three questions. As promised, the reply arrived directly in our email box, which was a great surprise.

600 Librarians Answered All // Source: Eurecoy
All your questions need answers // Source: Eurecoy

Librarians have undertaken remarkably deep work, supporting and enriching it with diverse and above all highly qualitative resources. Here’s how they approached each of our questions.

Has streaming killed cinema?

This question is so broad that it is difficult to give a definitive and quick answer. To lay the first stones of their reflection, librarians relied on numerical data. They then got their hands on official surveys, carried out by CNC, IFOP And Xerfi Thus it was possible to highlight the first trends.

Will Cinema Against Streaming Video Services?  // Source: Felix Moonera via Unsplash
Will Cinema Against Streaming Video Services? // Source: Felix Moonera via Unsplash

Unsurprisingly, video on demand (SVOD) services are enjoying growing success, while cinemas are increasingly neglected.

But beware of jumping to conclusions! Librarians understand this well; The question turns out to be more complicated than it appears. This is why they sought to understand why audience behavior has evolved and what are the strengths and weaknesses of streaming and cinema. The criteria of accessibility, comfort, immersion, sociability come into play, i.e. elements that are ultimately more personal and can evolve over time.

Determined to investigate the problem further, Eurecoi groups relied Legal texts, essays, video interviews and even essays give us great insight. Then they focused on the reasons that explained it Current coexistence between streaming and cinema to ultimately determine whether these two sectors are competing Or Support each other. A Good presentationWell-developed and highly resourced, it will delight students who are very curious and looking for specific information.

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Between 60% and 80% of insect species have disappeared in recent decades: what does this mean for our future?

After culture, it’s time for science. We confronted them with a specific question that required specific skills. To answer this, librarians have chosen an educational approach. They begin by testing the hypothesis that insect populations have indeed declined, and attempt to estimate the extent to which, Supports empirical studies.

Bees are disappearing, what is the impact on biodiversity?  // Source: Dmitry Grigoriev via Unsplash
Bees are disappearing, what is the impact on biodiversity? // Source: Dmitry Grigoriev via Unsplash

To go further and identify the main reasons for this decline, experts are multiplying Research reports And this Scientific journals. But here again, they’re not simply integrating the first readings they see. After multiplying the evidence, they warn of the difficulty of actually measuring it.” Size of event » and relay Questions from many researchers Recognized in the field.

But these first difficulties do not stop them. The Eurêkoi team continues to investigate this issue and aims to understand the reasons behind the mass disappearance of insects. Intensive farming, pesticides, global warming, urbanization have all been examined, this time in support. Booksof Podcastsof Specialized web journals And also documentary film.

But what impact will these developments ultimately have on humans, agriculture and biodiversity? to answer, librarians give way to educators in the Ministry of Environmental Change. But for all, no cliché or personal point of view appears in this summary, which ends with some wonderful reflections on possible solutions to slow down the phenomenon, as well as reminders of the policies already in place in France.

I want to master English in a month, which method and books do you recommend?

This is a question that many people who want to master English ask themselves. Not without humor, the librarians responsible for the request point out No miracles : ” We all dream of learning at night using electrodes, which seems ambitious, if not unrealistic, to say the least. “. They also caution against promises made in this direction by some training institutions.

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1 month to become bilingual in English, impossible.  But here are the best ways to get there fast // Source: Estee Janssens via Unsplash
1 Month to Become Bilingual in English: It’s Impossible! But here are the best ways to get there fast // Source: Estee Janssens via Unsplash

However, by the way This presentation, they try to provide a practical solution to learn English in minimum time. And the approach depends closely on your objective. Whether you want to speak Shakespeare’s language for professional or personal purposes, the learning style and time required are not really the same.

Eurêkoi experts review different situations and offer jobs for each profile Newbies maximum Experience.

Face-to-face or online training, mobile apps, workbooks, pocket books, YouTube videos: whether you’re looking for daily sessions of a few minutes or intensive programs, there’s something for all tastes and needs.

And to improve both his ear and his speech, librarians list some TV channels, radio stations and themed podcasts. Perfect for improving your skills while having fun.

and you, What question is burning your lips ? Thanks to its team trained in documentary research, Eurecoy has everything you need to feed your curiosity. Because if the Internet is full of information (of more or less quality), finding the most relevant information and having good resources requires specific technical skills. This is a real job for librarians.

Also, Eurêkoi is constantly updating its website to ensure that such questions are of interest to a wider audience. Inventor of chess ? Why not send radioactive waste to the sun? ? How many words are there in French? ? Your biggest questions may already be answered and posted on the Eurêkoi website. If this is not the case, you can submit them in a few clicks for free and without prior registration.

Source: Numerama Editing

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