July 27, 2024


Complete Australian News World

Conversation workshops in English at the Mordeaux-Coolie Buff Media Library soon?

Conversation workshops in English at the Mordeaux-Coolie Buff Media Library soon?

The program for dialogue workshops in English will become a reality in the Mordeaux-Coolie Buff media library. (F The False News)

A New animation Proposed by Volunteers From Pays the Falaise Media Library at Morteaux-Couliboeuf And Two volunteers from the festival committee : From Conversation workshops in English.

A moment of cultural, pleasant and rich sharing awaits you. Want to immerse yourself in Shakespeare’s language? Would you like to practice conversation in a quiet setting, please?

For that, if you understand and use simple expressions, you need to know your initial position.

Intermediate level, i.e. you make yourself understandable with simple messages in some everyday situations. At the intermediate level, you speak the language in a way that you can understand, coherent and confident in everyday topics you know.

For that, it is necessary to know the availability of people i.e. days, schedule, frequencies, once a month, twice a month.

Find out the different types and subjects you want. On a daily basis to introduce yourself to a stranger, go shopping at the market and order at the restaurant.

Present yourself professionally in English at work and discuss a project with a co-worker. Get out of everyday life by giving your opinion. Talk about a movie, a book, a song. Talk about Anglophone social and cultural issues.

Music, Literature, British Royalty, Regular Foods, English Humor. If you wish, you can answer the questionnaire directly at: https: //forms.gle/C4pS1DgeX6vvjFmt8

Initially, the dialogue workshops will be given in small groups of 6 people and will last for 1.5 hours. If it works, maybe it will be for beginners. Good ideas in perspective.

READ  "Cancellation Culture" in the Anglo-Saxon World

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