March 4, 2025


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English controlled by genders in Charente

English controlled by genders in Charente

The health conditions associated with the Govt are severe for UK citizens. After the annual holiday, Englishmen residing in France must show a white foot, two days after their return, to avoid ten days’ imprisonment and present a negative test. Measures verified by genders: Already 300 checks have taken place 20 to 30 per day in Charente in recent weeks.

In Saint-Bonnet, near Barbeciex, Anthony helps welcome genders in his garden
In Saint-Bonnet, near Barbeciex, Anthony helps welcome genders in his garden © Radio France
Pierre Marsat

These checks are a daily routine of event management brigades, and patrols are divided into daily tasks: the British have registered on the Internet to indicate their movements for the year-end celebrations. Upon return from the UK, they must be re-tested within 48 hours of their arrival. No problem if the test is negative, ten days imprisonment if positive. During these two days of returning to France, it was necessary to verify that the British were actually at home.

These tests are carried out on the orders of the President. But it sometimes happens that British citizens are not in their homes when patrolling. Despite the imprisonment, the English in Sorrento have a small window to go out from 10 a.m. to noon. By 2020, about 8,000 British citizens will have settled in Charente and Charente-Maritime.

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