July 27, 2024


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Founded in Card, Bill Homewood, an English artist who wanted to become French

Founded in Card, Bill Homewood, an English artist who wanted to become French

British actor and poet lives in Chauville and teaches in Montpellier.

British actor and poet Bill Homewood is a French citizen. The naturalization was registered by decree and published in the Official Gazette on November 17. It was a childhood dream come true. “I’ve always felt more French than English.”Bill says in apparently impeccable French.

Fellow of the Royal Shakespeare Company

First an opera singer, then a cabaret guitarist, presenter and host of game shows on television, a bit of pantomime and eccentricity, he made a name for himself on the boards of London theaters in 1974, co-founding the more serious Royal Shakespeare Company. A distinguished member of this company, he would remain there for fifteen years, during which he would spend several sojourns in America.

It was during one of these tours that he met the magnificent actress Estelle Koehler, who was given the beautiful role of Juliet. Together, they create many Shakespearean plays in which the two become inseparable. Phil returned to television and appeared in several drama roles.

A professor at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, he teaches Shakespeare to young actors: Ralph Fiennes, Clive Owen (heroes of the series Mr. Spade It was filmed in part at Sauve NDLR) and so on. The 90s would be his best musical comedy years Grand Hotel, Jesus Christ Superstar. The Phantom of the Opera Will sign his final applause as an actor.

Estelle and Bill discover Sauve during a picnic. Falling in love with the medieval city, they buy a ruin there before settling permanently in the area. Save inspires the artist. He writes for TV and theater and records several audio novels and poems.

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A professor at the High School of Dramatic Arts in Montpellier, Bill counts actress Melle Mitten, the star of the series, among his students. Such a big sun. “France also brings me such great encounters. If Shakespeare, Moliere, and Voltaire were also French, my happiness would be greater!”

Rewarded many times over, Bill is happy: happy to share Estelle’s life for forty-six years, happy to be surrounded by her dogs and horses, happy to be the father of actor Ben Homewood (Assignments, Tomorrow it all begins), and the grandfather of a whole generation of four young actors, including the talented actress Anuk Darwin Homewood. Today he is proud to be French.

History of France by heart…

As we know, native French people rarely pass the test to obtain French nationality! Learn the citizen’s manual by heart, name all the kings of France in order, and the same thing for our presidents.

Explain the Republic of Gallic Rooster, symbol of Marianne. To quote the best French footballers, our comedians, dancers, famous singers… Phil spent months rehearsing with neighbors, friends and family and learning everything by heart.

Besides Hugo, Montaigne and Voltaire, whom he had already mastered! After filing his case in 2018, being investigated by the police for a botched investigation and waiting till D-Day, the bill is ready. He knows the answers inside out.

Apart from that. Get rid of kings and presidents. “Whoever questions me knows everything about me. We discuss, discuss French literature. That same evening, she buys my CD on French poetry.” The investigating officer in charge of naturalization grants him French citizenship.

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