July 27, 2024


Complete Australian News World

RécréAnglais is recruiting franchisees to “learn English for fun”.

RécréAnglais is recruiting franchisees to “learn English for fun”.

The company operates on the principle of ownership. A pedagogy based on games, songs and rituals in English for 3-11 year olds is available to people creating preschools. In return, they benefit from educational tools, a dedicated platform and all communications carried out around the RécréAnglais brand. “So far women have been the most interested,” explains Khadija Benlahousen. Every time men are empowered it doesn't work. Maybe come. »

Have good relationships

The fact is that the company is in full expansion. From eight primary schools nationally in 2016, to 130 in 2024. “Every year we register 20 to 30 people,” continues Khadija Benlahousen. There are 15 of us in the Gironde, but only me in Bordeaux, one in Bouscat and two in Villenave-d'Ornon. When there are requests. We get them from Bordeaux-center, Chartrons, Bouliac, Bègles, Floirac… It is impossible to answer all of them. »

In short, RécréAnglais is recruiting. “Definitely people who have a good relationship with children and have good English. B2 Minimum, and preferably bilingual. One of the three owners is English speaking. » Only people with professional experience are wanted. “Between 30 and 50 years. Must have experience and maturity to lead small schools. They are mostly teachers who like new experience. » There is also the possibility of creating workshops in nurseries or toy libraries. No shortage of ideas.

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