October 26, 2024


Complete Australian News World

Bac 2024: English for High School Students (LLER) course in North America

Bac 2024: English for High School Students (LLER) course in North America

The specialty of foreign and regional languages, literature and cultures is chosen every year by about 70,000 students, the majority are English, but also German, Spanish, Italian … in-depth learning of a modern foreign language, as well as its literature, its culture and the history of countries.

The 2024 Bachelor’s Special Examinations will be held on June 19 and 20 for the mainland. Therefore, the first subjects of the 2024 bachelor’s degree fell to students who write exams abroad: last Wednesday, May 22 for English (only one date for this subject).

“Languages, Literature and Foreign and Regional Cultures” represent a large proportion of students’ undergraduate grades, as do all other specialties (16% for each specialty or 32% for 2 specialties). Here’s a fall abroad lesson for high school students in North America:

English Test – Pak 2024 – North America

An excerpt from the lesson and the full lesson below

The material deals with the theme of “Expression and Self-Construction”.

Part 1 (16 Marks): Read Papers A, B and C and cover the following subject in English:

Write a commentary (about 500 words): Take into account the uniqueness of the three documents and analyze how they illustrate the impact of war on individuals.

Part 2 (4 points): Translate the following passage from Document A into French:

You don’t see or hear like you used to. Your brain chemistry changes. You take in every part of the environment, everything. I could see a dime on the street twenty feet away. I had the antenna extending down the block. It’s hard to even remember what it felt like. I think you take in too much information to store so you forget, freeing up brain space to take in whatever might keep you alive in the next moment. Then you forget that moment too and focus on the next. (Lv. 23-29)

READ  Two of L1's ten best Englishmen have passed through LOSC

Also check the previous years for Metropolis: 2023 Bachelor’s English Course here

On June 19th and 20th, find out the topics and answers for the special exams published on our site in connection with the mainland tests.