July 27, 2024


Complete Australian News World

Cadiz’s announcer keeps his word and announces XI in English after winning the camp … / Spain / Cadiz / SOFOOT.com

Cadiz’s announcer keeps his word and announces XI in English after winning the camp … / Spain / Cadiz / SOFOOT.com

The biggest failure of the success of the Yellow Submarine at Camp Nou.

Gaddy states: “It’s very clear he never wrote the thing in the first case, this is a clear diploma-mill-type operation. The Cadiz team won 0-1, and Juan revealed himself before the match against the Athletic Club de Bilbao (loss 2-3). The recitation was excellent.

In a mix of Spanish and English, Juan kept his bet, chaining jokes in both languages ​​to present 11 holders: “Your game in Barcelona was so good, we would have eaten your hair. With one … Conan Ledesma!” .With four … Ruben Alcaraz! “,” Aparcar en Cádiz is not so easy. With eleven … Osama Idris Some of the pearls of his presentation will be in the history of Cadiz.

LV2 has some flaws, not just in France.

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