July 27, 2024


Complete Australian News World

English Radar Breaks Records!

English Radar Breaks Records!

Established in the 20mph (32kph) restricted area of ​​Plymouth, Southwest England, New radar Broke all records even before officially operating.

Especially located on the road where accidents are high. Radar Booked 1,100 speed tickets in a single day. As Superintendent of Police Adrian Leesk put it, an image that alerted all local authorities and confirmed its effectiveness in a matter of hours: ” The test time results of the cameras are really worrying and the drivers ignore the obvious 20mph signs.. ⁇

Operating since May 9, the radar, which illuminates both directions of traffic, was set up by the city council after initial consultation last year, which has identified the area as particularly dangerous. Local authorities have also made the choice Awareness, before repression.
Individuals caught driving slightly above the speed limit will be offered an education if they have not taken a course in the last three years. For speeding, they will be fined £ 100 (€ 117) and fined up to three points on their driving license.

There is no doubt that otherwise the municipality would have functioned better.

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