October 24, 2024


Complete Australian News World

Extended English Language Offer at Gourin Media Library – Gourin

Extended English Language Offer at Gourin Media Library – Gourin

Following the recent strengthening of the Breton Language Fund, Gaur’s Municipal Media Library is extending its English language offer from this week. “There are Britons in town and Gaurin has privileged relations with the United States. English speakers already come, but mostly to cyberspace. From now on, they also have access to classic literature in English. For example, books by Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, Virginia Wolf. There are, ”explains Claire Le Mené, head of the media library.

Soon animations and dialogue workshops in English

Irish literature is also referred to by authors such as Joseph Sheridan Le Funu, Bram Stoker or Oscar Wilde. For North American literature, the Media Library presents the works of Louisa May Alcott, Walt Whitman or Herman Melville. “From March, I plan to integrate more contemporary novels and from April I plan to publish animations in English with dialogue workshops I can lead. We can talk about cinema, series, books …”, Claire Le Mene notes.

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