July 27, 2024


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Godentin: Why are the British leaving our ports?

Godentin: Why are the British leaving our ports?

The Port of Cerberg (Manche) welcomes some Englishmen this summer. (Pres La Presse de la Manche)

The Health crisis From Govit-19 Definitely affects everyone Local actors. Except for restaurants, caterers or traders, they are Port staff, Who needs to modify.

In fact, The Population of channel marinas Modified compared to years prior to the health crisis. “As of this July, we have 20 English boats,” explains Celine Bodinat, director of the Marina, “while in 2019, there were 535 boats in the Sanderine, one year without the Govt.” Cerberg.

A Less This is “linked to the health instructions of the departing and arriving countries,” the director explains.

Many obstacles

British sailors really have to endure French and English ethics During their journey. On the French side, this one Vaccination certificate Absolute, or a Seven days of solitude And a PCR test.

On the British side, when they return, the Marines must isolate and test themselves regardless of the circumstances in which they are vaccinated. Actions that the director considers “too slow for the arrival of the British”.

Brexit is also responsible

And on the port side Saint-West-La-Hook, We draw the same observation. We have many English boats in the summer, but today we have only 18 boats. “Even though there are more French, Belgians and Dutch this year, one step to the port, maybe they won’t be able to get to the Channel Islands,” port staff explain.

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But in Saint-Vast, “it is estimated Due to Brexit The Port Office explains that “this phenomenon” complicates cross-border crossings and not all sailors have passports.

However, in the two ports on the staff side, the staff was the same as in other years. In Saint-Vast, we have as many staff or seasonal workers as there are basically “a few more foreigners in the port than English.” And Cerberg, It is still necessary to turn the port “more” The upcoming arrival of Fastnet This should make up for the lack of English, ”said the port director.

By Titovan Lechevalier.

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