October 24, 2024


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No more saying “English” or “Brazilian” variant but alpha and gamma

No more saying “English” or “Brazilian” variant but alpha and gamma

From the beginning International spread, Section Types From SARS – Cove-2 A real headache. The “English” variant is named for example VOC 202012/01 (for Variation of anxiety) Or B.1.1.7 or 20I / 501Y.V1 according to another nomenclature. To put an end to this confusion, the World Health Organization (WHO)WHOA new system was presented on May 31st Based on the Greek alphabet, Considered more neutral and less ” Staining To the country of birth. ” Countries are reluctant to bring back a new variant if they know it will not bear the name of the country, Maria van Kerkov, in charge Corona virus On the WHO’s website STAT News.

According to this new system, the English variant will be called B.1.1.7 Alpha, South African variant B.1.351 will change Beta, The Brazilian variant is called P.1 Gamma And the Indian variant will be appointed by B.1.671.2 Delta. The full list of new names is already available On this page. When the entire Greek alphabet with 24 letters is exhausted, another series is announced (signs) Zodiac sign ? Awesome comedy characters?).

This system is somewhat reminiscent of the accepted one For storms and hurricanes The one with the first name selected from the pre-installed list. ” The purpose is not to change the name of the science, but to get a name that can be easily identified by the general public. , Maria van Kerkov explains. See if the sauce takes off. Despite the official recommendations of the French Academy and the fact that Kovid is a female name, most media outlets still use Kovid in the male form out of habit.

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