July 27, 2024


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Starting Chinese and English classes for primary and secondary school children in Montpellier

Starting Chinese and English classes for primary and secondary school children in Montpellier

Beginning September 13, classes will be offered every Wednesday by a Montpellier Start-Up Globe speaker.

This is a new phase in language learning. Globe Speaker, a young startup from Montpellier created in 2022, goes even further in its approach. After winning over 30,000 users with its foreign language learning platform, especially based on the memory and playful aspect, creator Vicdis Morris-Herrera is launching face-to-face lessons at her new campus this fall.

Every Wednesday, she offers lessons to children between the ages of 6 and 15 to learn English and Chinese. “This Montpellier Tech actor’s original initiative bridges the gap between online teaching and classroom teacher delivery”, the company says. Six one-hour sessions (three in English and three in Chinese) are offered for groups of up to eight children, depending on size. Morning for elementary students and afternoon for college students.

“During the school year, learners must independently undertake group work and individual homework at home.
All students benefit from free access to the globespeaker.com site. For Chinese students, handwriting materials will be added”
Adds the company.

Classes will start on 13th September. For the occasion, the first trial lesson is free, but you must register on the site before September 11.

Globe Speaker, 36 rue Saint-Guilhem. Price of lessons (1 hour per week): €50 per month, €500 per year over 10 months, i.e. from September to June. 10% discount for siblings. Free trial lesson on September 13, register before September 11 at globespeaker.com/fr/cours-montpellier.